Rem Koolhaas takes a democratic approach through architecture and urban planning by designing for many different demographics. He designs for both the lower class and the higher class. Koolhaas’s main concern is public life, which he demonstrates within his work and concepts. His buildings address people in both the interior and exterior by allowing the public and private sectors to blend. This would, in turn, give people the freedom to roam freely through the buildings as well as view the inside from the outside, resulting in a morphing of both the interior and exterior, I addressed Rem Koolhaas’s philosophy of designing for the public through my semester project titled, Project Public. I made use of current social media to connect people to various public spaces around Honolulu. The posters I made for the project consisted of 12 stickers designed to be placed throughout the city. This allowed people to have the freedom to take the stickers and put them in places though out Honolulu that they might have a strong connection to. The first thing to do is place the sticker in a public space. The user may take a picture of the sticker and upload it to Instagram. Once the image is on Instagram, a person can tag it with #projectpublichnl, as well as its personal and unique user tag. Lastly, the location is added to the Instagram post. It is much easier for the public space to be shared if the exact location is present. My recent book on Rem Koolhaas demonstrates my project, which can be found on Instagram under the user name @projectpublic_hnl.
Job components>
Poster design, Book design, Cards, Packaging design